Mystery Blogger Award

Magnifying glass in its case. Photo by Cecilia Kennedy

If inspiring nuggets of wisdom can truly nestle into acts of “zoodling around” and “Prancercising,” then it’s with great humility that Fixin’ Leaks and Leeks accepts the Mystery Blogger Award nomination. Thank you, North Liza Lane—a truly inspiring blog absolutely full of gorgeous artwork and talent!

This award is “for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.”
Created by Okoto Enigma:

Here are the rules:

–Put the award logo/image on your blog (I can’t seem to find the original image/creator of the official “Mystery Blogger” logo, so I took a picture of a magnifying glass to signify “mystery.” Hope it worked!)

–List the rules.

–Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

–Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well

–Tell your readers 3 things about yourself

–You have to nominate 10 – 20 people

–Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

–Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)

–Share a link to your best post(s)

Three Things About Myself:

–In addition to humor writing, I enjoy writing speculative fiction/horror/ghost stories. Two of my short stories were published in literary magazines: “Hello” (Theme of Absence) and “Haunted Aqua Aerobics” (Gathering Storm Literary Magazine.) I’ve written and sent out many more submissions to other magazines, but only two stories have been accepted so far. Facing rejection is tough, but there’s always the hope that something will “stick” if I throw enough paper into the wind, so to speak.

–I once tested out Barbie Doll legs. My father is a retired chemist/inventor. When I was about eight years old, Mattel Toys asked Battelle Laboratories (which is where my dad worked at the time) to come up with a coating for Barbie Doll legs because girls my age at the time were complaining that they couldn’t get a pair of pants on Barbie. So, for a while after work, he’d come home with a briefcase full of Barbie legs that he asked me to test out. Mattel wanted to preserve the “real” flesh-like feel of the legs, but improve the ability for children to pull clothes on and off the doll. From what I remember, most of the legs my dad brought home after he’d been to the lab were still quite sticky, but one pair was a slightly better than the others. Dad was happy with that answer and that’s the coating/pair of legs Mattel ended up with for a while I guess.

–I have two items on my bucket list: 1) To see the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes live AND maybe sign up for the behind-the-scenes Rockettes experience (which allows people to learn a performance and go and stage and kick with the Rockettes) 2) To take a few Scottish step-dancing classes and dance at the Red Shoe Pub in Nova Scotia.

My Best Post:

“Haunted DIY Ghost Stories of Vancouver, Canada.”

My Nominations:

I nominated about 30 people for two different awards in my post “The Cranberries Runneth Over,” so I’m going to nominate some new choices this time around. There are SOOOO many fantastic blogs that I follow and really, really like so this list barely scratches the surface of the inspiring posts I read each day. I also have noticed that some bloggers don’t want to receive these kinds of awards, so I tried to respect those wishes, but I could have messed up and chosen people who don’t want awards. If your name appears here below and you don’t want to accept, just let me know in the contact/permissions link that appears on the “Home” page. Also, I’m supposed to ask five questions for each person nominated, but I think it’s fun to just tell three things about yourself that others might not know. Cheers!

Dr. Andrea Dinardo:  Thriving Under Pressure


Louise Brady:  Dragonspire UK

Thistles and Kiwis

Horror Made

The Wine Reconteur

Truly Madly Ordinary. Stories from the Heart.

Sock Monkey Say

Let me Photograph you Softly

Kelly Griffiths










15 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Thanks for the nomination 🙂
    I loved your haunted DIY Ghost Stories post, it was so fun!
    I’ll write a post on the award as soon as I get a chance.

    Liked by 1 person

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