Twenty-Five Years! Cheers with Beers!


In a fit of mathematical mayhem, I tried to factor our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary into an equation for which a popular wedding song at the time, “Livin’ la Vida Loca,” would be the answer. But I couldn’t get the numbers to add up.

Me: Hey, Nate. You’re a math person, and I’m a literary analysis person. I’ve been running the numbers of our twenty-fifth anniversary date: 6/12/24. There’s got to be something significant, right? Derivatives of something? What’s the meaning behind the numbers? There’s a hidden, mathematical meaning, right?

Nate: Ummm. No?

Me: Come on. Help me out. All the numbers go into each other by threes, right? And we’re a family of three—with Alex. So that’s it. Right there!

Nate: There, what?

In any case, the numbers don’t lie. Nate and I have been married twenty-five years, and our wedding anniversary fell on a Wednesday, which is not a very exciting day to celebrate a wedding anniversary, so we decided to celebrate at a later date. However, Alex had other plans for us.

When we got home from work, we found that Alex had set the table for us with candles, roses, rose petals, chocolates, and beer! There were three different bottles to sample. (Three!) And, a 1999 playlist of music played in the background including…you guessed it: “Livin’ la Vida Loca.”

Nate and I met over coffee so many years ago, but we fell in love with beer tasting, and Alex did not disappoint with the variety displayed.

The first beer was called “Früliee,” and it was a strawberry Belgian beer. It tasted like strawberry jam with a hint of beer. I’d seriously pour this on toast every morning, if I didn’t have to work. Rating: 5 strawberries out of 5.

The next one was called Maka Goa, and it had an astronaut on the label, which seemed perfectly normal in this situation. It was a honey pale ale, and it tasted like the beers Nate used to brew back in the day. Rating: 5 space astronauts out of 5.

Finally, there was an organic Samuel Smith chocolate stout, which was just sheer perfection. It was the perfect balance of chocolate and beer. Rating: 5 boozy chocolate shakes out of 5.

5 x 5 x 5 does not equal 25 (that I’m aware of), but it all adds up to a whole lifetime of love and laughter.

So, here’s to twenty-five years and livin’ la (mejor) vida loca ever.

Your Turn: What’s a significant date in your life?

32 thoughts on “Twenty-Five Years! Cheers with Beers!

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary and on your very thoughtful son! How lovely that he did that.

    And, I’m thinking that you know your anniversary date is a double double? 6 doubles to 12 and 12 to 24? Considered good luck in some quarters. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Yes! It’s silver here as well. Nate and I celebrated this weekend and bought a silver starfish decoration for our house to commemorate.


  2. Happy anniversary, Cecilia and Nate! What a lovely and thoughtful gift from Alex! Our anniversary and our dog’s homecoming day coincide, so we end up celebrating mostly with dog treats!


  3. Belated happy anniversary! Also, a little tidbit: June 12th is Valentine’s Day in Brazil, so you know… maybe next year you guys can go all out and get two Valentine’s Day celebrations instead of one! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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