Rainy To-Do List


The sky has emptied so many rounds of rain I’m surprised I can’t just launch myself downstream from my doorstep, aboard a trashcan lid. “Bon voyage!” I’d shout as I’d steer toward the neighborhood Safeway. And I’d come back with bits of chocolate and stories of confused river otters, who have just seen feral cats for the first time. Perhaps a stray crab might join the party.

But I’ve had so many hopes for the first days of summer. My place at work gives us “Summer Fridays,” and last Friday before Memorial Day, my dreams of slathering on some sunscreen at noon and taking my lunch in the yard were dashed to puddles of mud. So, if the rain and cool weather won’t go away (and you really want it to), here are some ideas to keep yourself entertained.

–Wrap yourself in blankets and cozy up to the computer to shop online for things you might actually need. For instance, I thought I needed a new computer chair, but then I found that thing on the seat bottom that propels the chair all the way up, and my comfort level increased immensely. However, my feet wouldn’t touch the ground. So, I bought a computer work-station foot stool, and that has made a world of difference.

–Listen to sad, rainy music, and then start singing. Loudly. I call it croaky karaoke. That way, I can tell people that it’s supposed to sound that bad–on purpose.

–Put together a jigsaw puzzle. Just kidding. I hate puzzles. If you hate puzzles, too, and it’s rainy, that’s a great time to start an online support group for people who hate puzzles.

–Clean the house. That’s what we did last weekend when it was raining the whole time. It’s not the most fun chore in the world, so the key is to imagine you’re cleaning your dream home by the ocean, but it’s really a self-cleaning dream home that also senses when you need a margarita.

–Watch all those old ‘80s “Brat Pack” coming-of-age films and wonder how, back then, people used to actually look at one another all the time. How did they do it?

–Pay your bills—on decorative paper. Or, if you’re paperless, add fun memes and GIFs online.

–Splash in the puddles, find a duck, tell it jokes, introduce it to stray crabs, river otters, and feral cats that float by with disgusted looks on their faces.

–Go back inside and post photos and status updates for the people who hate puzzles support group.

Your Turn: What’s your go-to rainy-day activity?

31 thoughts on “Rainy To-Do List

  1. Adelaide has experienced a lot of rain too. The last few days have been wet and damp. Our first day of winter was yesterday and I’m feeling. Bring on summer.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We’ve had all the varieties of rain — showers, downpours, horizontal, saturating, etc — so we’ve been flipping through the Big Book of Happy Rainday Fun. I think we’re up to page 45, weaving giant spiderwebs with dental floss just to freak out the cat, or sticking velcro all over your clothes and throwing yourself as high as you can on the living room drapes to see if f you’ll stick. I have to attach the curtain rod a little more securely before we try that last one, but with all the rain I have time to do that.

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    1. I actually like it when someone else puts together a jigsaw puzzle. It is quite satisfying to see it all come together. I just don’t want to be the one putting it together.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Here it feels like it started to rain last July and only stopped this weekend…. thanks God because I have no more items in my rainy to do list😂I hope the sunshine will reach you too

    Liked by 1 person

  4. On the other side of the world it’s also rainy day sunshine! A little rain, a little sunshine, but mostly rain. I don’t know how, but my days are full, regardless of rain or sunshine. There’s always so much to do and be entertained by. I’ve become a Netflix fan lately. If the worst happens and I’m left with nothing to do, there’s always a movie, or a series on the go… It leads me to think: what did we do before TV?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. So true! I’m enjoying the ‘limited series’ viewing. We just watched ‘The Signal’. Really different, but kept our attention to the last episode.
        This new type of entertainment (for me) is surprising, yet also satisfying when all one wants is a little snuggle up and be cosy time.
        Who woulda thought…


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