Growing Peeps in the Bathtub


Our bathtub is a little fuzzier and more festive these days. So it’s with great joy—and a profound sense of “ick”— that I announce this big news: a couple of Peeps have hatched from hard plastic eggshells, and they’re marinating in water until they get bigger.

When I rounded the corner at the local Safeway “seasonal” aisle, I found some brightly colored Peep eggs. The instructions on the box claimed I could grow a non-edible Peep bunny or chick in about a week. So I decided I’d take a crack at it.

You’re supposed to leave the eggs intact, place them in a bowl, and cover them with water. I chose a glass bowl for this experiment and set it in the bathtub. In 24-48 hours, they were supposed to hatch.

And they did! Within just 24 hours, I found a blue bunny Peep and a bright pink chicken Peep peeking out at me when I looked into the bathtub.

But here’s where it all gets weird. You’re supposed to change the water and let them get even bigger within the next 72 hours—and the water is slimy. Also, the Peeps are rock hard. I thought they’d be spongey, but they’re not.

However, they’re cute. Not snuggly or soft—or dry. They’re kind of pleasant to have around, even if they just stare at you with those round little eyes.

If you happen to fall for this gimmick where you live, here are a few ways you can use the Peeps you grow:

–Drill a hole in the bottom of a grown Peep, skewer it with a heavy-duty toothpick or wooden spear, plunge it into a cocktail glass filled with libations, and shout, “Happy hour!”

–Press them against a window as a decorative display. (They might stick!)

–Glue them to an unnecessarily fancy hat and host a garden party.

–Stick them on a neighbor’s doorstep with a note that says, “Happy Peep-ing Tom Day!”—for a good-natured joke.

–Attach mini roller skates to the bottoms and race them to see which one dries out and/or softens quicker (if ever).

Your Turn: What’s your latest experiment?

21 thoughts on “Growing Peeps in the Bathtub

  1. “take a crack at it.” Was that pun??? I loved it. Okay, so these are probably fun for kids, but then the parents are side whispering, “Now what the hell do we do with that thing?” Nice of you to offer ideas! I especially like the rollerskating one.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I do enjoy the edible kind–and there are adorable Peep plush toys, but I’m not exactly sold on the “grow-a-Peep version”–and they’re still not dry–it has been over 48 hours!!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That sounds like a great idea. They have “cozy mysteries”–and I think there is “cozy horror” as well–this might be something I could work into a cozy horror story.

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    1. We here at the Fixin’ Leaks n Leeks Headquarters don’t understand what’s going on, either. All I know is that these Peep things grew–and they’re sitting in the window–and they’re still not dry. (LOL)


  2. Skewering Peeps seems a bit like a warning sign, but I guess it’s only worrisome if you get a rush and start doing it a lot while laughing maniacally. So please just self-monitor.
    My current experiments involve finding a bug repellent that actually works on black flies. Unfortunately I only have myself as a test subject, I’m trying every brand and none of them work so far, I think I am about ready to try wrapping myself in aluminum foil next

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