Wild Night Out with the Fixin’ Leaks and Leeks Team


The wildest thing I want to do on a Friday night is hurl myself sideways into the couch, whilst wielding the world’s most outrageous pizza. In fact, that’s what I want to do every night.

However, there was a time in college when I would have literally stayed out all night dancing. During a study-abroad trip to Mexico, I’d hit the discotecas like there was no tomorrow—and my friends would get tired and tell me that if I didn’t stop dancing, they would leave without me. It wasn’t that I was any good at dancing. I just couldn’t stop.

Fast-forward to last Friday night in the Fixin’ Leaks ‘n Leeks Headquarters, where Nate and Alex, with stars in their eyes, told me we were going out—AFTER dinner–when it’s time to crawl into the couch and hold the TV remote hostage.

I was too tired to move, but Alex was quick on his feet. He grabbed the keys and whisked us away to a place where there was live Latin jazz by a group called Todo Es.

Nope. I didn’t get up and dance—though one or two people did—but once I got there, I didn’t want to leave. The music was so smooth. The vibe, intoxicating. We stayed through all the sets and even bought the CD.

Nate also bought some random guy a hot-buttered rum, which nearly started an argument because that guy’s friends wanted one too, but the drinks at that establishment are a bit “spendy.” So, only one lucky guy got a hot-buttered rum from Nate.

Nate did this to spread a little happiness, in the hopes that that man would pay it forward. Who knows? Maybe, when we weren’t looking, he bought his friends some hot-buttered rums, but I think I would have noticed an entire group of rowdy men suddenly clinking hot-buttered rum glasses in the corner—which I did not.

In any case, when we got home and watched a little TV, I realized it was 11 p.m., which is late for me—and I wasn’t even tired.

So, if you’re planning a night out, optimize your chances of having a blast by not planning at all. Stand around in your bathrobe, grab a slice of pizza, and take off running towards the sofa. That’s when your loved ones will block the sofa and carry you upstairs so you can put on some kind of “going-out getup.” You’ll have no choice but to get in the car and stand in the back of a crowded room—and feel the percussion go through your chest until you’re swaying to the beat (discreetly)—and wondering how you’ll break the news to the couch that it has been replaced.

Your Turn: What is the night life like where you live?

15 thoughts on “Wild Night Out with the Fixin’ Leaks and Leeks Team

  1. My idea of a good night, especially a Friday night, is sitting on the couch in front of the TV and watch a marathon of movies or TV shows. My aim would be to fall asleep there and wake up on Saturday morning on the couch. 😊

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  2. Same. When I was younger I was out almost every night of the week. Now, I get unreasonably stressed if I’m out past 7, like the birthday party we went to last night. Luckily it was across the street and I was able to sneak home for a while and work on a jigsaw puzzle. I’m just awful, lol!

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